Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let The Cleaning Begin

One Black Spot down.....152 more to go!!

Dear Friends,

We have begun the cleaning process of the new space. There is much to be done and it will take many hands to complete the job, but everything starts with first steps. Yesterday, Patrick and I took first steps. We were able to pull up the old carpet and get it hauled to the trash and we started working on the black spots on the walls.

We will be holding a work day for the new space on Saturday, April 18 from 9am to 4pm. During this time we will continue to work on getting the black spots off the walls and possibly doing a power wash of the building. If you are able to come help, even for a little while, there is a volunteer sign up on the website.
Patrick showing us how to tear it up.
Carpet GONE!


  1. Its coming along nicely! Great job! Wow to all the diaper donations from a local church. That was incredible.

  2. SuperPat is in action again!
    Great job on the website.
    I'll be seeing you at the Closet.
